
Do We Need a Warhammer Online Gold Farming Guide

The PvE content of Warhammer Online is pretty poor at the moment, strangely though, you still need gold. You need gold for potions which keep you alive, talismans to get your items utility upgraded, dyes and gear in general. Some are using a Warhammer Online gold farming guide to get the gold they need, but do we really need such a guide?

The answer would be the guide itself. From obvious reasons you don't need a Warhammer Online gold farming guide that doesn't offer you anything you didn't know already or it's just some stuff copied off a bunch of web sites put together. If the guide is good, then I suppose it would be welcomed as gold is needed in WAR just like it is needed in any other online game. If someone can't play as much a day as others then he wont be able to join any raids to get better gear, so he needs something that offers him the opportunity to make gold in his own time. A Warhammer Online gold farming guide is needed then. When you PvP you tend to use a lot of potions that costs you money, so you need a constant flow of gold to ensure your efficiency in PvP. Another gold sink factor would be the dyes, everyone wants to dye their armour so that they express something. There are some rare dyes which are really expensive, so you need gold again. If you add up all the things you can buy with gold, you will see that you need pretty big amounts of gold just to be useful in PvP or to just look good. You could say that a War gold farming guide would be needed then, just so you don't waste the time you could use to take a keep to farm money.

I came to the conclusion that as long as anyone needs to have the best gear for his character, potions to stay alive or just to look good, he needs gold. If you need gold then you need a fast and easy way to make it. That is where a Warhammer Online gold farming guide comes in handy, you just have to make sure the one you pick is a good one. Just so you don't think otherwise of the guide and miss out on some great stuff in game due to the lack of gold.

I am is an experienced Warhammer Online player. He STRONGLY recommends the Warhammer Elite Guide to anyone that wants to make lots of gold fast. Click here to visit warhammergold119 and get the guide right now.


