
War Gold

post by :warhammergold119

Farming is usually the best way to go for almost every MMORPG known when it comes to making money. Then there's questing tactics and professions choices which has an effect on how much gold a player can make.

First off, if you're planning on playing Warhammer Online for a long time, avoid using exploits or cheats to make gold. You would be much better off buying gold directly from gold sellers if you're looking to make Warhammer gold fast. With cheats and exploits, there's high chance of getting penalized and your account being permanently banned. With a fully leveled up character, that can be very painful. Mythic Entertainment takes the use of exploits, bots, so on and so forth rather seriously. Buying Warhammer gold is a totally different aspect of making gold and chances are low for getting banned since you wouldn't be found using any bots, hacks or macros.

Then there's the golden rule of being stingy. No matter how much gold you make in Warhammer Online, make it a point not to sell it to any other third party. You'll find yourself regretting it when you come across a situation which really calls for that amount you have just given up. Play it safe, sell items whenever you can, go through with a thorough research before buying a piece of equipment to avoid repurchases and retain from nonsense use of your precious Warhammer gold. Sometimes it's tempting to go on a buying spree but it will only result in regret and eventually a lost of interest in your character because you just can't get anything for your character to shine out from other players.

Of course, there will always be buying Warhammer gold as a solution like with every other popular MMORPGs played world-wide. Nevertheless, it's wise to keep this as your last resort and stick to the traditional money making schemes and smart buys in the game.


Warhammer Online Gold Guide

Having money problems in WAR? That's probably because you PvP too much and we all know that you don't really get money out of that. I was in the same predicament and I'm going to share with you a little secret that helped me under the form of a Warhammer Online gold guide.

I wasn't too keen on getting money thinking I don't really need them. I was wrong, WAR is a MMO game just like any other. You need money for equipment and other helpful stuff like potions and talismans. There are armor types that just wont fall off a player, and when they do, you don't win them. So I thought there should be another alternative, as there are Raid Instances in the game. So I started searching the Auction House for better items and guess what, they cost gold and lots of them. I then started looking for something to help me with the gold making and found a Warhammer Online gold guide. I started using it and now I'm happy I wasted a few hours looking for one.

So I took a break from the zergy open RvR areas and the scenarios where you usually find AoE groups, which are just annoying, and went off to the PvE areas to make some gold. I must admit that PvEing in WAR is pretty easy, after beating down on players all day. I got busy using the Warhammer Online gold guide and before I knew it, the results started to show in my backpack. The guide took me to all of this places where you would just relax killing some enemy NPC's which are nice and drop dead easily. After a few days of using the guide, I had enough money to buy whatever items I needed and some potions and talismans to socket my armour. The cool thing about it is that after you made the money you needed, you go PvP and when you need money again, you have the guide and just go make it fast and easy.


WoW Gold Farming Guide Review

post by:warhammergold119

Do you want to learn how to farm gold Wow quickly and make the most gold in the shortest amount of time? One of the best strategies would be to find mobs that drop the most expensive loot or a lot of gold when they are killed.

Even though farming for Wow gold can be very tedious and repetitive, it is a no brainer way to earn gold. To use this strategy of gold making correctly, you will need to know where the best locations in the game for farming are. So how do you start looking for these places?

1. Look For Mobs That Almost Instantly Respawn

There are areas in the game where the mobs will respawn almost instantaneously after they die. This ensures that you will always have something to kill and some loot and gold to take without needing to find another place to farm. These places will help you earn a lot of gold while you get more and more mob kills. I learned the best locations to farm through a Wow gold guide that I read on the internet.

2. How Do You Find The Most Valuable Mobs In The World Of Warcraft?

Mobs that drop valuable items can be spotted as you play the game. Take note of which these mobs are, and you can come back to the area to farm when you need more gold. You may also ask experienced players to share their knowledge with you or read guides written by professional Wow players.

3. Using The MobInfo-2 AddOn To Assist Your Farming

Finally, you may want to download this addon and use it while farming. It gives you a quick reference to which mobs have the best loot and displays a record of specific items that the mobs you have killed before dropped. You can check out the website link below to read the best Wow gold making guide that I have used to make lots of Wow gold fast.




作者:warhammer gold










































































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How to Make Warhammer Online Gold

Finding out how to make Warhammer gold is often a struggle. People say that in this game, wormer online, that gold pretty much falls from the sky. It feels that way sometimes, except other times when you find that you actually want to buy an important item, the cost is ridiculously expensive. Especially now after the server merges prices in the auction house has gone up skyrocketing, with many simple items unaffordable for most players. Just yesterday I saw a player as why rank 9 items cost over five gold! There's no logical reason why items placed as early as level IX should cost over five gold. It simply supply and demand unbranded with the server merges. Virtual price gouging in Warhammer online will make it very hard for you to make gold and actually hold onto it in your spending 10 gold just to buy potion.

It's much easier to make Warhammer Online when you know the secrets of the easiest ways to farm it. Sure, Warhammer online gold can be gotten simply on the way by killing all the mobs indicate an occasional player in this scenario, and it might head up but now that everything is so much more expensive the economy is out of whack. Selling items on the auction houses also doesn't work in general unless you know how to game it. But that's very easy to do when you have a guide to how to make Warhammer online gold easily.

At first I wasn't sure if it was working that well and I posted a screenshot showing someone how many unique masks I had gotten from the witching hour event, along with a bunch of gold bag loot items in just a few hours. I post the screenshot and someone else on the forum pointed out that I had over 240 gold. I thought this was normal! I mean I admit that I had used some awesome tricks from the guide about how to get gold in Warhammer online but I wasn't sure if everyone knew them. Apparently not!

Anyway I highly recommend this book on how to get power level in Warhammer online and also to make tons of gold in the game. The most terrible thing to me was how they show you how to get epic set pieces very easily and how to roll and get high contribution nearly every single time.

To see the guide to Warhammer Online for power leveling and making mass amounts of gold for both Order and Destruction characters, just visit this site here: warhammer gold






其次,你打过JJC吗?你要是经常打22冒险岛家族组队任务就知道队友的重要性了。在22里面,哪怕是术士的宝宝,猎人的宝宝,都要当成战友来保护,像你说的那样,1234的惩戒骑士,鸟都打不死一只。现在JJC 里,别说你惩戒7自己了。就算是惩戒骑+奥法两个人,遇见贼牧,想轻松把贼打死,那都是做梦。只能靠技术!配合好打断技能,才有希望干掉贼或者用控制技能,控制贼,杀掉牧师。你没打过高端JJC的小白请闭嘴,谢谢啊!



Do We Need a Warhammer Online Gold Farming Guide

The PvE content of Warhammer Online is pretty poor at the moment, strangely though, you still need gold. You need gold for potions which keep you alive, talismans to get your items utility upgraded, dyes and gear in general. Some are using a Warhammer Online gold farming guide to get the gold they need, but do we really need such a guide?

The answer would be the guide itself. From obvious reasons you don't need a Warhammer Online gold farming guide that doesn't offer you anything you didn't know already or it's just some stuff copied off a bunch of web sites put together. If the guide is good, then I suppose it would be welcomed as gold is needed in WAR just like it is needed in any other online game. If someone can't play as much a day as others then he wont be able to join any raids to get better gear, so he needs something that offers him the opportunity to make gold in his own time. A Warhammer Online gold farming guide is needed then. When you PvP you tend to use a lot of potions that costs you money, so you need a constant flow of gold to ensure your efficiency in PvP. Another gold sink factor would be the dyes, everyone wants to dye their armour so that they express something. There are some rare dyes which are really expensive, so you need gold again. If you add up all the things you can buy with gold, you will see that you need pretty big amounts of gold just to be useful in PvP or to just look good. You could say that a War gold farming guide would be needed then, just so you don't waste the time you could use to take a keep to farm money.

I came to the conclusion that as long as anyone needs to have the best gear for his character, potions to stay alive or just to look good, he needs gold. If you need gold then you need a fast and easy way to make it. That is where a Warhammer Online gold farming guide comes in handy, you just have to make sure the one you pick is a good one. Just so you don't think otherwise of the guide and miss out on some great stuff in game due to the lack of gold.

I am is an experienced Warhammer Online player. He STRONGLY recommends the Warhammer Elite Guide to anyone that wants to make lots of gold fast. Click here to visit warhammergold119 and get the guide right now.


Warhammer Online Gold

With Warhammer Online launched this week, many people are looking into buying Warhammer gold to supplement their game play. When you buy Warhammer Online gold, you usually order through an online service that accepts pay-pal, e-gold, or another similar funds transfer service. What most people do not realize about paying with these services is that it IS NOT SAFE. That's right! Not safe by any means.

Paypal clearly outlines their coverage on digital or non tangible products. Buyer-protection is not offered when you purchase an intangible product. Once the money is sent from your account to the seller's there is a chance you will never see it again. This holds true even if the seller, or website which you used to buy Warhammer gold, never gives you the gold.

Research shows that Warhammer gold is actually a hot commodity right now. An average price of Warhammer gold was determined to be around $15-$20 or so for JUST 10 GOLD. Of course, discounts are given on bulk orders, but it is still quite expensive. With the game just coming into open online play, gold resellers can gouge prices, and as stated earlier, NOT EVEN SEND THE GOLD.

Another reason is that you are simply taking a risk of getting your Warhammer Online account banned and all your achievements and gold you just bought taken from you. Legally, all gold, characters and other game items are a property of the game's developers and can not be bought or sold for real money.

And the main reason is that you are basically missing out a lot of fun of making loads of Warhammer Online Gold yourself. You have already payed for the game so why pay more of your own money over and over again for the gold or other items? You can easily get these yourself with a good guide.

So what's the alternative?

Get yourself a good Warhammer Gold Guide! Such guides have already proven themselves with other games like WoW or AOC. Best players share their LEGAL strategies and tips with fellow players and help you pocket unlimited amounts of gold on daily basis. For a one-off fee, that can be compared to buying just 10 Gold from resellers, you get a full step-by-step strategy, wealth of tips and lifetime updates from the guide owners. You would be able to easily get any equipment you want or the rare Warhammer items for the gold that you would be making YOURSELF! Think about it!

Click warhammergold119 to find out more about Warhammer Online Gold and Leveling guides and check out my reviews of the best ones available online. Warhammer Online Gold and Leveling Guide Reviews


Ultimate Gold Guide

Ashling's Warhammer Leveling Guide was not just thrown together by some amateurs like so many other Warhammer guides out there. This guide was created by a team of three hardcore closed beta testers. Ashling's Warhammer guide has the most complete, up to date information on Warhammer Online available.

Other Warhammer guides will have you believe they have the best guide because it was not written during closed beta. They make this claim only a couple days after the game was released. So they wrote an entire guide on how to level up in Warhammer Online in a day or two? I find that hard to believe. Ashling's Warhammer guide was written during closed beta and continues to be updated with each and every change to the game. Since the public release of Warhammer Online, the leveling guide has been completely updated and is current with the live game.

Before using Ashling's Warhammer guide, I bought another guide from one of the big name authors. It consisted of some maps and a list of quests. There was no information on where to go or what to do with the quests. It really wasn't anything more than I had already from the game. This is completely opposite of Ashling's guide. The quest guide and maps are very detailed. This saves me countless hours of playing time. I like to logon and get things done. Not wander aimlessly around trying to figure things out. I don't have that kind of time to waste.

Some advantages to owning this guide are as follows:

Complete step-by-step Warhammer quest guide including coordinates

Leveling guide covers solo, grouping, and PvP

Not a bunch of rehashed forum posts

Free updates every time the guide is changed

Only disadvantage:

Several parts of the guide are listed as "Under Development" and "Coming Soon". It's disappointing not to have those right away.

If you are considering getting a Warhammer leveling guide, be careful of all the junk guides out there. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them. Try Ashling's Warhammer leveling guide and you won't be sorry.

Look me up on the Wasteland server and I might share some of the tips I found using Ashling's Warhammer guide. Or better yet, get your own Warhammer Leveling Guide!

come to my home :warhammergold119




Age of Reckoning

Warhammer is a world wherein war is a constant way of life. Each and every person despite what race or class they come from is a soldier. There isn't just one war in the world of Warhammer, there are multiple wars going on. Each side wants to gain the upper hand against the other and in order to accomplish this strong; capable and well equipped soldiers are needed. And in Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, the latest addition to the Warhammer universe and Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, you are one of these soldiers.

Which ever side you are on, you will have a partnered rival faction. This means that each faction has his or her own war alongside with the war of their allies. First we have the human faction Empire who is trying to defend themselves from total eradication and corruption from the forces of Chaos. Then there are the Greenskins who are composed of the savage and powerful Orcs along with the intelligent and sly Goblins. The Greenskins have one goal in mind and that is to destroy their rival, the skillful craftsmen of the Dwarves. Then there is the continuation of the civil war of the Elves. After their civil war known as Sundering, the Elves were split into two major factions, the High Elves and the Dark Elves seeking revenge from their former brethren. No matter what side you are on, you need one thing to accomplish quests and tasks to assist your nation, gold.

Gold is used to purchase everything a character needs for a battle. Weapons, armour and equipment are purchased and upgraded by merchants and gold is what you use to purchase these items. Repairing damaged equipment is also essential to maintain maximum efficiency of your character and this too would come at a price. So how do you earn gold? Gold can be earned by selling items you pick up, grinding monsters, pillaging and completing quests. There are a lot of different opportunities to earn some gold in Warhammer. However, this would be a difficult, tiresome task if you do not know what you are doing.

To be able to harvest gold efficiently, you will need a strategy on how you will gather gold. Strategies should be based on information on the game. These information and knowledge can be acquired overtime while experiencing the game. So the best approach is to use a gold farming guide for Warhammer: Age of Reckoning.

A gold farming guide is authored usually by experienced players. They show and teach you what they have learned through the guide and provide you with useful information. They can also show you how they earned gold to sustain their character's needs. Basically, their knowledge about the game is what you will use to be able to earn gold. So, in using a gold farming guide for Warhammer you can easily earn gold faster and more effective. Best part about a gold farming guide is that it is a legal method to help you earn more gold.







    告别了打败基尔加丹的喜悦,我躺在床上陷入了沉思,每周需要有5天这样的生活,真是让人疲惫,回首想想这样的游戏生涯已经持续快半年了,学业几乎荒废,只顾着这浪费精力的游戏  ..哎....






Gold Getting Tips

due to the intense dislike mark jacobs has for gold sellers many have had their accounts banned from the guide, there is even a counter on the main website showing how many! while this is acceptable many people have been lacking ways on how to make gold once they've reached the max level (40) and due to the bind on pickup from many rare items people are just starting to sell their gold bag loot to the vendors! due to the fact that there aren't many ways to make money other than picking up salvaging and talisman making which is hilariously expensive to level up to 200, people have come looking for a solutions, i'm going to list a few tips which helped me out of this situations.

1. the only trade skills i see worth taking out side of talisman making and magical salvaging are scavenging and apothecary, the scavenging is great to use after you've just pve farming, the water you get you can either sell in batches or wait to use in a potion and sell the potion which can sell for significantly higher.

2. the quests you get for killing 25 players always give 1 gold 40 at t4; always take these, especially if you're an rvr addict. the great thing about these is that you don't even have to do all the killing yourself! join a warband and watch the "enemy players killed" number go up and up!

3. pve farming again, some of the items you get can be sold on the auction house for 25 silver each, this may not seem like much but for an hour of pve farming you can sometimes get more than 100 equips if you play it correctly. these equips will be bought by salvagers who need to level up their skill and sometimes players who need new equipment.

there's a ton of ways to earn money in this game, you just have to look! if you can't be bothered or you're having problems, don't worry! everyone goes through this and that's why i recommend goblins warhammer online guide for levelling and easy gold earning! check warhammergold119 for more answers!



Top Warhammer Online Archmage Guide

within the army of the high elves is the career option of the archmage. they are said to be the finest practitioners and scholars of magic. whatever has been handed down to humans or the "lesser races" are but minor forms that pale in comparison to the fine, pure magic that they perform. they live in the tower of hoeth in saphery. they wear elegantly designed robes that are accented by high collars. their headdresses are inscribed with runes that give them protection. like most races that practice magic, they carry a wand or a staff which are embellished with jewels and runes. a number of gamers have constructed warhammer online archmage guides to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against them.

there are their three career masteries :

1. the path of isha - is concerned with their healing powers---the capacity to restore to health not only himself but also his allies. if one is able to master this path, he will be good not only in healing but also in infusing this particular power with skills for offensive combat.

2. the path of asuryan - is focused on offensive attacks. they will track down his opponents and eliminate them. it's as simple as that.

3. the path of vaul - there is a delicate balance between strengthening their offensive skills in combat as well has his powers in healing himself and his group mates.

there are quite a few tactics and skills that the interested player can utilize when on the battlefield. these are: the lambent aura, the law of conductivity, the gift of life, the radiant gaze, the boon of hysh, the searing touch, the drain magic, the transfer force, the prismatic shield, the dissipating hatred, the walk between worlds, the law of warhammer gold, the shield of saphery, the storm of cronos, the cleansing light, the wind blast, the rain lord, the blessing of isha, the empowered lores, the hurried restoration, the master of tranquility, isha's encouragement, the master of force, and the transfer magic ability.

also included in the list for their powers and abilities are: the run between worlds, the desperation, isha's ward, the blinding light, the arcane suppression, the wild healing, the funnel essence, the balanced mending, the bolstering boon, the balance essence, the winds protection, the cleansing flare, the forked lancing, the fury of asuryan, the dispel magic, and the expanded control. these are but a few of the tactics and skills that they can use in combat as well as in restoring to life and to health his fallen allies. the player can choose from these and many more which power or ability is most appropriate for his battles. it is also useful to know of the top warhammer online archmage guide to help you with your game.


Warhammer 40,000 Books

this particular article concerns published books or supplements as they relate to the warhammer 40,000 game. one rather large selection of these books are known as codex's. a codex in warhammer 40,000 war games is a set of rules containing information which concerns a particular army, or an environment, or even a worldwide campaign.

codex's for various armies were first introduced to apply to the 2nd edition of the warhammer game. this codex's have since become obsolete and have been replaced with newer series which includes battle zones as well as campaigns.

games workshop which created the warhammer gold series will no longer produce any campaign or battle zone codex instead they have released what is known now as expansions. the word codex is now strictly used to designate an army book.

codex usually contains an army list. this is a list of the various army units, the characters within the units and the vehicles for which a player may select for use in the battles.

the codexes will also contain background information. this information will be about the military force in question and its active place in the warhammer 40,000 framework. it will include bits of artwork, several short stories and images of fictional documents that portray the future.

from the viewpoint of our current time and the player himself the book will include a hobby section. here you can find information relating to collecting warhammer miniatures, building or painting a particular army from its available codex. of particular interest is the very detailed warhammer models with such fine workmanship that they look like they belong in a museum.

there is also a section entitled special characters. these pages contain rules and background information for many of the particular army's remarkable characters.

as of june of 2008 the list of codex's are army codex's such as black templar's, chaos daemons, blood angels, chaos space marines, eldar, dark angels, orks, tau empire, space marines and tyranids.

other types of codexes are the 3rd edition codexes, battlefield codex's, apocalypse, event codexes, armageddon and eye of terror.

as you can tell there is much to be learned and understood concerning the warhammer game and the creators of the game have provided the fans with an abundance of literature and books for which to work with.














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The Warhammer Master's Guide

If you are a Warhammer online fan, Goblin Guide is your good source. Goblin's Warhammer Leveling and Mastery Guide is the top than other guide on all Warhammer review sites. This is a "must have" package for those drooling on warhammer guides or any other MMORPG guides in the market.

1. Should You Get The Goblin Guide?

The guide can help you a lot as it has detailed leveling guide in-depth and is recommended by the professionals. It can be an excellent tool especially for those who do not have enough time to figure out where to quests and what they do as well as for those who simply wants to be guided upon.

The Goblin Guide comes in different packages. You can have the Complete Guide -- covers all aspect of Warhammer Online. The 1--40 order guide covers all single tiers, empire, dwarfs, high elfs and all chapter and area in the game. The detailed Leveling Guides are the most detailed guides available online with step-by-step leveling and detailed colored maps. The Leveling Guide Map Coordinates gives you map cords for each quest in order for you to find every quest item and npc so you can trace your movement and never to be lost again.

2. Warhammer Gold Mastery Guide.

The Gold Mastery Guide helps you to make thousands of gold while breezing to level 40 quickly and easily. The RvR Guides will teach you all you need to know about RvR as well as it comes with complete keep raiding guide and scenarios. The Renown Leveling Guide can help you achieve Renown rank 80 quickly with the RvR guides.

3. What Does The Entire Goblin Guide Package Contain?

With the purchase of Goblin Guide, you will receive free updates and a lifetime membership privileges. Such privileges include access to member area and download of PDF Guides. You are also able to see video guides and get involved with our lively forum which has new information and exciting comments updated everyday.

With all of this privilege with the Goblin Guide, you can be assured that you have the best guides ever you've come across in your entire life. Mastery of the Warhammer Online is just a few visits away and you can expect the ultimate thrill of a lifetime!

I love  warhammer, I like go to warhammergold119 to find warhammer gold




  我有一本专门记录魔兽生活的日记本。不记得是谁说过了,人的一辈子最大的收获就是回忆。而记忆就像浮云,总有一天会流尽,想要抓住点儿什么,我用自己的方式保留。记得刚玩那会儿特傻什么都不懂,和别人下副本治疗量低到被人怀疑说:“估计这是一暗牧”,当时那个郁闷啊连撞墙的心都有了。还有刚去 MC那阵子,每到周五,我从中午就开始兴奋,整个下午都在傻乐。其实吧我一直玩得挺开心的,认识我的人都知道,我还真把这游戏当回事儿了。真的特别怀念那些很纯粹的日子。可是这段时间却很闷,准确的说,应该是玩得很不轻松,是不是也有人和我有同样的感受呢。或许我在这个游戏里没有太多的经历,或许我在这个公会也没有太多的历史,有些时候被欺负了只会偷偷的在屏幕前落泪,有些时候看到公会现在的样子也只能暗暗在心里着急。我曾经和朋友这样说过:与其离开彼岸,不如离开魔兽。如果在彼岸呆着真的不开心,那我不玩就是了。有些时候想起,我还会轻轻的笑出来,我一直都是那么固执的一个人。也许有一天我会改变,但我不希望自己改变,就像一个初生的婴儿,谁给了第一次的温暖,谁给了第一次的快乐,就一定会深深的记在心里面最柔软的角落。



















之后,再也没有血色的消息了,我禁不住还琢磨,小孩子到底是小孩,三分钟热度,也是难免的。直到刚才,血色的同学在qq上给我留言,我才得知,她已经永远的离开了人世。因为艺考不顺利,只拿到专科证,没有拿到本科证,一向要强的她接受不了这个现实,她选择了跳楼,没能抢救过来,她就这样走了。还不到 19岁,花样的年华啊!我当时就愣住了,心里说不出的惋惜和遗憾,她还没有经历过人生多少乐趣,就这样匆匆的离开了,只是为了艺考不顺利,实在太不值得了。但是,既然她这么选择了,说这些也没有用了。唯有希望真的有天堂,血色小MM可以去天堂,快乐的生活着。


